Want to use DocuSign efficiently but not sure where to begin?
Master DocuSign in 3.5 hours
The Step-By-Step Method For Busy Professionals Who Are Tired Of Wasting Time in DocuSign
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Learning how to use DocuSign doesn’t have to be painful.
You just need to learn how to use the software properly.
That's exactly why you should Master DocuSign!
4 Powerful Reasons to Master DocuSign Today

Reason #1: You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know.
You're a smart person. I don't doubt that. But even the savviest admin or IT professionals struggle to set up DocuSign the right way.
The system truly is massive. And you simply don't know what you don't know.
What you need:
To realize that when you set up DocuSign based on limited knowledge, you won't leverage its full potential and miss out on important functionalities.
Reason #2: Become the Go-To DocuSign Expert
Mastering DocuSign means that you have the power to make things MUCH more efficient than they currently are:
- Preventing errors and missing signatures in documents
- Reducing the time spent chasing documents...
If you were looking for a way to help the business and impress your boss, here it is.
This is the power of mastering the DocuSign software.

Reason #3: Save Time With Templates
Office workers like YOU spend an average of 50% of their time JUST creating and preparing documents
A lot of this time is wasted because you don’t have templated documents that work efficiently.
What you need: Learn how to create templates to speed up the envelope creation process for all your repeat documents.
Why deal with all these problems when you could just master DocuSign in less than 4 hours and essentially eliminate all these problems instantly?
Reason #4: You Waste Time With FREE Resources
Have you watched video after video with the hope of finding the solution to your problem?
Or maybe you’ve approached DocuSign support only to receive a disappointing answer...
DocuSign Support is very helpful when it comes to solving technical issues. But they aren't business consultants that can help you with your business-specific questions.
What you need:
To understand that DocuSign Support won't help you adapt the system to your business. Let me show you how you can do it yourself.
What Previous Students Say
Here are just a few examples of the type of comments we frequently get from delighted clients we work with.
Daniel Stra
Great Show LLC
Noah Smith
BOD Financial
Isaac Stern
Keenan Financial Services
What If…?
All of your business documents were automated?
- You understood the foundations of how DocuSign actually worked so that you can always use it to its full potential…
- You knew how to set up templates for all your documents?
- Your clients and colleagues could sign any document from anywhere, on any device?
- Your documents and forms were filled out correctly every time they were sent, and no important information or signature was ever missing?
- You could get your document completed, signed, and returned to you within 24 hours?
- You could choose and set up fields, conditional logic, and formulas so that you could have complete customization control over your documents…
- You could learn how to convert your templates into "Power Forms" to generate on-demand, self-service documents?
With the DocuSign Implementation Program, I show you exactly how to achieve each of these and master the DocuSign software.
See What You Get
The DocuSign Implementation Program
When you purchase the DocuSign Implementation Program here is what you will receive.
Access to the “Become a DocuSign Expert” course
I’ve created 37+ step by step video tutorials to help you:
- Build templates with the correct workflow
- Send any document your business uses through DocuSign
- Master conditional rules, formulas, bulk send
- And everything else you must know!
More Student Reviews

David Whitener
Paralegal | Law firm
"Sofian is truly an EXPERT and knows all the ins and outs of DocuSign.
He is very friendly and accommodating to your schedule (anywhere on the planet). He understood exactly the goals of my project, and he went thru a step-by-step custom tutorial with me making sure I had the tools to get my job completed. Thank you, Sofian!"

Neeraj Singh
Partner | Hedge Fund
"This program is exactly what we were looking for. They know their stuff and it's better to talk to experts if you want to get problems resolved quickly"

Gonzalo Caeiro
Director | Fintech
"The consultancy session was great and we did learn a lot. A few things that we learned will save a lot of time and money."
Here’s Everything You’ll Learn Inside the DocuSign Implementation Program

Module #1: Master The Foundations of DocuSign
- Discover how to add multiple documents inside each "envelope" so that the signer can easily access every document they need to sign within 1 “envelope”...
- Learn how you can use DocuSign to track who has opened, signed, viewed your documents, and even see those who've refused to sign your documents…
- Understand that customers who receive documents do not need an account with DocuSign or an app, they can simply just sign your document across any/all device…
- How to automatically send a PDF version of a finished document after it’s been completed to all those who’ve signed…
- How to receive a "certificate of completion" that contains all the information of the computed transaction, the time someone signed it, their location, the I.P, all the text they've added, where they signed, etc…
- Save time by learning how to send 1 “envelope” to as many recipients as you need to…
- Be able to get 80% of your documents sent, signed, and completed within 24/hrs…
- Learn how to utilize the “sandbox account” that allows you to test your documents so that you can always be confident that your documents are in order before you send them out…
- Follow a simple homework assignment designed to help you master the skills you've learned in module #1 so that you’ll never have to rewatch this course multiple times!

Module #2: Learn How To Send And Manage Envelopes
- Learn the exact steps you need to do in order to upload a document into DocuSign…
- Know how to prepare your documents so that they are perfect and ready to be uploaded into DocuSign…
- Understand that DocuSign does not allow signers to circle or strike through answers, instead learn how to utilize checkboxes in DocuSign to go around this problem…
- Know the exact steps needed for you to know how to add recipients to your envelopes…
- Learn how to select what actions you want each signer to take, whether it’s to sign the document, receive a copy, need to view, or edit for feedback…
- How to have a team member host a signing session on their device when visiting someone in person…
- Learn how to add a “signing order” to your envelope so that you can control the order of who gets the document based on who has signed it or not…
- How to create folders and subfolders so that you can properly organize all your envelopes which reduces stress, saves time, and increases your productivity…
- Know how to quickly use the search bar within DocuSign to search for envelopes by their name, time/day sent, and from whom it was sent…
- Understand the “10 different envelope statuses” and what they mean for you or your signer.
- Learn how to easily correct mistakes you make when trying to send documents to the right people.
- Learn how to void envelopes with mistakes so that it will be canceled, then you can send a corrected version.
- Know exactly how to share your envelopes between users of the same account, so that your team can always stay involved no matter where they are…
- Follow an easy homework assignment designed to help you master the skills you've learned in module #2 so that you’ll never have to rewatch this course multiple times!

Module #3: How To Choose and Set-up Fields, Conditional Logic and Formulas
- Learn the importance of "fields" and why not knowing how to use them properly will lead to a poor experience for your signer…
- Learn how to implement “data labels” so that your signers only need to enter information you need once (Which reduces unnecessary redundancy & improves customer experience)
- How to create "validations" to fields so that you can always ensure that you get the exact data you want from your signer without any error…
- Understand how to create, manage and share custom fields you've used in the past to save valuable time and easily reuse your fields whenever you need them next…
- Learn how to use "formula fields" to calculate numbers and dates in your document automatically…
- Know how to also use “formula fields” & “payment fields” to instantly collect payments from your signer…
- Learn how to use "conditional logic" to set up conditions for certain forms to either show up or disappear depending on what the signer selects, which helps your signers be less likely to fill out the document incorrectly…
- Learn how to use just 4 simple buttons to always make your documents look professional…
- Follow this homework assignment designed to help you master the skills you've learned in module #3 so that you’ll never have to rewatch this course multiple times

Module #4: Create Templates For Your Repeat Documents
- Learn how to create templates for your envelopes that contain all the documents, recipients and fields, so that you can easily access them again with just a few clicks…
- Learn how to create templates for your “static” documents so that you can optimize and send out documents to your signers in record time.
- Learn the 2 ways you can create a template for your “dynamic” documents so you can choose the best option that fits your specific requirements…
- Learn how to pre-fill information on a “static” document before you send it to the recipient…
- Learn how to download data from any of your documents into an excel sheet so that you can keep track of all the data or export it somewhere else…
- Know how to use "bulk send" to save time by sending multiple envelopes to multiple people so that they all get their own copy of a document…
- Learn how to manage, edit, & share all your templates so that your team can access them anytime…
- Follow this homework assignment designed to help you master the skills you've learned in module #4 so that you’ll never have to rewatch this course multiple times!

Module #5: How To Create Powerforms: Self-Service Forms
- Learn how to convert your templates into "Powerforms" which is a generated URL that your signers can click on to generate on-demand, self-service documents for faster document completion…
- How “Powerforms” allow you to easily collect data and put it in a spreadsheet with just a few easy clicks...
- Know how to change the sender profile name so that your recipients will receive a notification from someone they are familiar with…
- Understand how to add pre-filled information to your “Powerforms” so that you can better organize and quickly identify which document belongs to which recipient…
- Learn how to access “Powerform” settings so that you can force recipients to validate their email before they submit the document, restrict “Powerform” usage, and how to change the instruction text on the “Powerform”...
- Learn how to stop recipients bypassing your “Powerform” landing page so that you don’t waste money on incomplete documents…
- Follow this homework assignment designed to help you master the skills you've learned in module #5 so that you’ll never have to rewatch this course multiple times!
Everything You Need To Succeed
Everything within this program has been designed to teach you every technique and all the tricks that you need to know when using DocuSign.
Every module covers a specific & useful skill that will help you save an immense amount of time, materials, labor cost, and can even increase revenue.
As long as you have documents that need to be filled, the DocuSign Implementation Program will teach you the fastest & most efficient way to send these documents to your signers.
Buy Now
More Client Reviews

José Sanchez
Director | Banking
Sofian is an expert in his trade and a true class act. If you're stepping into Docusign and feel overwhelmed then he's your man. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!

Pierre Forest
I was having a problem with Bulk send in DocuSign. I found Sofian via his Youtube channel. I asked for help and he was very responsive (within hours) He set up a zoom call. Answered all my questions and directed me to other supporting resources. Also got a recording of the call for future reference. He was patient and attentive to my learning level. Great choice for help.

Arish Khajotia
CEO | Investments
My interaction with Sofian was excellent. He was professional, first ensured he understood what I was after, and then provided the solution that was best for me. He took it a step further by showing me a number of ways to tackle the problem, and even pre-empted potential issues that are commonly faced and shared those freely. Happy to work with him again in the near future.
Get This Course Now And You’ll Also
Receive 3 FREE Bonuses!

Bonus #1:
13 Pre-Built DocuSign Fields
Get a whole library of pre-built “Validated Text Fields” & “Dropdowns” that will save you from spending hours creating your own custom fields manually.
“Validated Text Fields” will reject any entry if the data entered does not match the validation rule.
This is designed to help you avoid errors in your documents and reduce follow-ups needed between you and the signer.
Value $59

Bonus #2:
6-Step Template Creation Checklist
Missing just 1 step in the template creation process can lead to unnecessary problems and headaches, as well as a result in a waste of time, money, and create a poor signing experience.
That’s why I created this handy “Cheat-Sheet” which guarantees all templates are successfully created, and tested.
Value $30

Bonus #3:
DocuSign Template Tracker
I wanted to make sure that when you use DocuSign, you automate all your documents.
So that’s why I created this “DocuSign Implementation Excel Tracker”.
Its purpose is to help you identify, track and plan all templates you will need to build on DocuSign.
Value $30
What Previous Students Say
Here are just a few examples of the type of comments we frequently get from delighted clients we work with.

Jeremy Tyree
MD, Reedify | Consultancy
If you need help understanding the benefits of DocuSign & how to integrate the product into your business, Solusign is your best option. 10/10 recommendation.

Tim Gilbert
CEO, Merton Way | Consultancy
Excellent communicators, know the tech, and solve problems along the way. Superb.

Matt Bullock
CEO, Spinify | SaaS platform
Above and beyond. Solusign are DocuSign experts. We strongly recommend them for any DocuSign project.
Here’s Everything You Get When You Purchase This Course

37+ DocuSign Video Tutorials
Whether you've never sent an envelope or built a few templates, you'll get strategic, step-by-step videos to help you level up your DocuSign skills.
(valued at $699)
Plus Three Bonuses

6-Step Template Creation Checklist
Don't miss a step when building your templates!
(valued at $30)

Pre-Built DocuSign Fields
No need to create your own fields, just use mine!
(valued at $59)

DocuSign Implementation Excel Tracker
To ensure your DocuSign implementation stays on track
(valued at $30)
Bonus #1: DocuSign 6-Step Template Creation Checklist (valued at $30)
Bonus #2: 13 Pre-Built DocuSign Fields (valued at $59)
Bonus #3: DocuSign Implementation Excel Tracker (valued at $30) (valued at $30)
My 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
When you purchase this Master Course, you’ll automatically be enrolled in my 30 day 100% money-back guarantee! This means that if for some crazy reason, you don’t feel like you’ve learned anything new, helpful or you aren’t entirely satisfied with the course, then I will give you 100% of your money back.
All you have to do is send an email to my [email protected] & as long as it’s within the first 30 days you’ve purchased, I’ll fully refund you the money you paid - no questions asked.
There's No Risk So Buy Now Here

My DocuSign Expertise
Hi, I'm Sofian.
I am passionate about solving business document problems.
I’ve been a Software Implementation Consultant for 5 years and teaching how to implement DocuSign for over two years. During my time as a DocuSign employee and in my current consulting practice, I have helped over 400 businesses implement DocuSign successfully for their needs.
I created this course for you to learn all you need to know to implement DocuSign for your business without having to spend anywhere near the $9,000 average fee we charge for custom implementations.

Enroll in The DocuSign Implementation Program Today!
I'm Ready To Sign UpFrequently Asked Questions...
How long does the course take to complete?
How long do I have access to the course for?
Do I need a DocuSign account?
My company will pay for the course, can you bill them directly?
How is is different from your YouTube videos?
How much experience do I need?
More Students Reviews

Paul Sorensen
CEO | Recruitment
"Professional, Expert on subject matter, highly responsive"

Jeff Turner
Owner | Marketing
"Sofian is a true professional and highly skilled with DocuSign. Very communicative to be sure the work was completed accurately and completely. Highly recommend."

Daniel Evans
Partner | VC Fund
'We now have a paperless customer contract which is signed using DocuSign. I can't recommend Sofian highly enough."