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Automation Transforms Sales Process: From Slow and Manual to Fast and Efficient

ElderTree Care Management faced slow sales cycles and client friction due to manual processes. Discover how Solusign automated contracts, payments, and invoicing with DocuSign and integrated with Pipedrive, Stripe, QuickBooks, and Google Drive to boost efficiency and client satisfaction.


reduction in manual onboarding tasks


error-free document

O min

Spent on manual paperwork

About Eldertree Care Management
ElderTree Care Management, located in Virginia, offers essential support for older adults and their families. The company aimed to enhance their sales process and reduce manual workload by implementing advanced automation and integration solutions, streamlining client onboarding and improving efficiency.

Industry: Geriatric Care Management Consultancy
Company Size: Medium
Location: Virginia
Use Case: Automating and streamlining the sales process to boost efficiency, reduce manual tasks, and enhance client satisfaction through integrated solutions.


The Problem

ElderTree Care Management, faced challenges with a slow sales cycle and inefficient manual processes.

Salespeople spent excessive time on creating contracts and invoices, leading to delays and client friction. Clients also struggled with mobile difficulty in completing onboarding forms, resulting in further inefficiencies and a cumbersome experience.



The Solution

To address these issues, we implemented a comprehensive solution that included:

Here's what we did:

1. Process mapping.
We started by mapping the ideal client onboarding process

 2. Mobile friendly DocuSign contracts
We redesigned sales contracts, and added mobile responsive capabilities so that clients can easily sign on mobile

 3. System integration

  • Integration #1: Pipedrive - For sales reps to generate pre-filled contracts in one click from the CRM
  • Integration #2: DocuSign - Stripe.
    For customers to easily pay when signing
  • Integration #3: QuickBooks - To automatically create invoices
  • Integration #4: Google Drive - To automatically upload and rename signed contracts in the right folder


The Results

Eldertree Care Management's sales process is now streamlined, efficient, and client-friendly.

The implementation of Solusign's DocuSign-based solution brought significant improvements to ElderTree Care Management’s operations. Sales reps can now send contracts with a single click and track their status in real-time within the CRM. Clients benefit from mobile-friendly, easily signed contracts and automated payments through DocuSign and Stripe. Invoicing is automatically handled by QuickBooks, and contracts are seamlessly managed and stored in Google Drive. This automation has drastically reduced administrative workload, minimized client friction, and accelerated the sales cycle, allowing ElderTree to take on more clients and close deals faster.


“We successfully automated the sales workflow and integrated it seamlessly with our existing systems, enhancing efficiency and client satisfaction.”

Charles Caldwell
Eldertree Care Management

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