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Jul 22, 2024

Table of Contents


Step 1: Process Design

  • Understanding the Current Workflow
  • Mapping Out the Process

Step 2: Template Setup

  • Creating Document Templates
  • Organizing Fields and Placeholders

Step 3: Database Setup

  • Role of a Database in Automation
  • Choosing the Right Database
  • Configuring Tables and Fields

Step 4: Integration Setup

  • Importance of Integration
  • Choosing Integration Tools
  • Building Automation

Step 5: Interface Customization

  • Importance of User-Friendly Interfaces
  • Tools for Interface Design
  • Implementing and Testing the Interface

Common Challenges and Solutions

  • Troubleshooting Common Issues
  • Best Practices for Smooth Automation




In this comprehensive guide, we will explore how to automate the entire lifecycle of your business documents, contracts, and forms, along with all the manual tasks associated with them. Whether you are using DocuSign, Adobe Sign, Google Docs, PandaDoc, or any other document automation software, the principles remain the same.

This article will walk you through the five crucial steps: process design, template setup, database setup, integration setup, and interface customization. Whether you are a complete beginner or have already started but are unsure if you are following the correct procedure, this blueprint will guide you in automating all your forms and documents. This is the exact methodology that we at Solusign have been utilizing since 2019 to streamline our clients' workflows.

Following are the five essential steps to automate your documents effectively.

Step 1: Process Design

Understanding the Current Workflow

Before automating, you need to map out your current process. Use a whiteboard, pen and paper, or a flowchart tool like Lucidchart to visualize the steps involved in your document workflow.

Mapping out the Current Process


Each document needs to be prepared, sent, signed and managed. Describe all the steps that occur during these four phases.

Mapping Out the Process

Identify tasks that can be automated, such as data entry, document creation, saving, renaming, and placing documents in folders. Research tools like Docusign, PandaDoc, JotForm,, and Zapier to help automate these tasks. Ensure the software you choose has the functionalities you need.

Streamline data entry, document creation, saving, renaming, and organization into folders


For instance, if you need mobile-responsive forms, Docusign might have limitations, so consider JotForm for that specific purpose.

Step 2: Template Setup

Creating Document Templates

Templates are the blueprint for generating documents. Identify necessary fields and placeholders in your contracts and forms.

Create a list of fields organized by documents in a spreadsheet. For example, you might need the candidate's full name and address for an offer letter. Before creating your template, add these field names in a column and specify the data type.

Organize fields by documents in a streamlined spreadsheet


Organizing Fields and Placeholders

For simple mail merges, you'll deal with text fields. For forms, you might need drop-down lists, radio buttons, checkboxes, and conditional logic. Write down these details to avoid getting lost and ensure your forms work correctly. This planning will save you time in the long run.

Handle text fields for simple mail merges


Step 3: Database Setup

Role of a Database in Automation

Without a centralized database, you can't automate your documents effectively. A database stores all the information needed for document creation. Choose a cloud-based database like Airtable or SmartSuite, which supports formula fields and provides scalability.

Select a scalable cloud-based database to support the formula field


Choosing the Right Database

Decide on a database that suits your needs and avoid relying on Excel or Google Sheets for long-term solutions. Airtable and SmartSuite are versatile, user-friendly, and do not require coding skills. They also allow for custom user interfaces, which we'll discuss later.

Configuring Tables and Fields

Set up tables to hold related information, with fields as columns and each row representing a record. For example, create a table for applicants with fields like first name, last name, email, and phone number.


Organize related information in tables, with fields as columns and rows as records

 Map these fields to your document fields to ensure consistency and accuracy.

Mapping fields to the document fields

Field Mapping


Step 4: Integration Setup

Importance of Integration

Integration moves data between your database and document templates. 

Use no-code platforms like Zapier or for building integrations.

Automations consist of triggers (events that start the automation) and actions (tasks performed by the automation).

Choosing Integration Tools

To set up effective integrations, you need to select the right tools for the job. Here’s a breakdown of some popular integration tools and platforms you might consider:

Zapier: This tool offers a straightforward, user-friendly interface for creating automated workflows, known as “Zaps.” With Zapier, you can connect various applications without needing any coding skills. For instance, you can set up a Zap that triggers when a new document is created in Google Docs, automatically sends it for signature via DocuSign, and saves the completed document in Dropbox. (formerly Integromat): This advanced no-code platform provides a more detailed, visual approach to building complex workflows. allows you to create intricate automation using a drag-and-drop editor, making it suitable for more sophisticated integration needs. You might use to automate a process where form submissions in JotForm trigger document generation in PandaDoc, followed by sending the document for approval and storing it in Google Drive.

Building Automation

Create automation by defining triggers and actions.

For example, a trigger could be a button click, and actions might include creating a signature request in Docusign, pre-filling fields, and sending the document for signature. 

Build multiple automation to cover different stages of your document workflow.

Step 5: Interface Customization

Importance of User-Friendly Interfaces

A simple, intuitive interface ensures users can easily navigate the automation system. This reduces training time and prevents users from reverting to manual processes.

Tools for Interface Design

Airtable and SmartSuite interfaces offer custom interface design options. Use these tools to create interfaces that display only the necessary information and actions for each user at a given time.

Air Table Interface

Implementing and Testing the Interface

Design interfaces that are easy to use and test with a few users to gather feedback. Make improvements based on their input to ensure the interface is user-friendly and efficient.

Common Challenges and Solutions

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Automation can present challenges such as incorrect data mapping or integration errors. Regular testing and understanding your tools can help mitigate these issues.

Best Practices for Smooth Automation

Keep workflows simple, document every step, and regularly update your system to incorporate new features and address any issues.


Automating your business documents can significantly enhance efficiency and reduce the time spent on manual tasks. By following the steps outlined in this guide—process design, template setup, database setup, integration setup, and interface customization—you can create a seamless, automated workflow for your documents. This blueprint will help you streamline your operations, allowing you to focus on more strategic aspects of your business. Automation ensures that repetitive, mundane tasks are handled swiftly and accurately, reducing the potential for human error and freeing up valuable time for your team to engage in higher-level activities that drive growth and innovation.

For more detailed insights and personalized assistance on automating your document workflows, book a consultation with our experts today. Transform your business efficiency and stay ahead of the competition!



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We help companies streamline paperwork with electronic signature solutions.


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