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From Tedious To Painless Investor Onboarding!

SOLA IMPACT faced slow investor onboarding due to manual processes. Discover how Solusign automated their DocuSign templates, integrated mobile-friendly questionnaires, and streamlined document storage, resulting in a seamless and error-free subscription process.


reduction in manual onboarding tasks


error-free document

O min

Spent on manual paperwork

About Sola Impact

SOLA IMPACT based in Southern California, specializes in real estate investments. The company sought to enhance investor onboarding by replacing tedious manual processes with advanced automation. By integrating Solusign’s solutions, they streamlined document handling and improved efficiency, transforming the subscription experience for both investors and the firm.

Industry: Real Estate Investment
Company Size: Medium
Location: Southern California
Use Case: Automating and streamlining investor onboarding to increase efficiency, reduce manual processes, and improve the subscription experience through integrated solutions.


The Problem

SOLA IMPACT faced a labor-intensive and time-consuming investor onboarding process.

Each subscription had to be processed individually, requiring weeks of effort from their paralegal. They struggled to streamline this process, encountering difficulties with DocuSign and needing a more efficient solution as they launched their 4th fund.


The Solution

After analyzing Sola's ideal investor onboarding process, our team did the following:

  1. Designed a mobile-friendly questionnaire for investors that identifies the investor’s profile
  2. Created DocuSign templates for each investor profile
    Integrated the
  3. DocuSign templates with the investor questionnaire
  4. Automated the storage of completed documents


The Results

SOLA IMPACT's investor onboarding process is now streamlined, efficient, and error-free.

The integration of Solusign's solution transformed SOLA IMPACT's operations. By automating DocuSign templates and integrating a mobile-friendly questionnaire, investor subscriptions are now processed seamlessly. Investors enjoy a smooth signing experience with automated document storage, eliminating errors and reducing the need for manual oversight. This automation has significantly reduced the time and effort required for onboarding, enhancing both efficiency and client satisfaction.


“We experience effortless Investor Onboarding!”

Haig Malkhasyan
Director of Finance

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